Kelly Killian
Dear friends and family,
There have been many changes in our life this past year and the latest one is that of a new location for my dear wife Kelly. With the MS leaving her unable to do most basic things and completely disabled, we felt it was necessary to move Kelly to an assisted living home called a "6 Pack" home. Financially it was our only choice. There are two caregivers for six patients.
The difference between our home care support and the present place was 12 hours at home versus 24 hours at the 6 Pack. That being said the two caregivers are spread thin and cannot do a lot of things Kelly needs when it comes to stretching and physical therapy. We are really trying to accommodate extra support and therapies for Kelly including a radical change in her diet.
We are also starting up a home base business to keep up with all the expenses. We regret having to ask for help at all but feel that we can be blessed through other people’s generosity. If you feel moved to give anything at all we would appreciate even the smallest amount.
We have teamed up with a 501c3 organization called www.hopefulfilled.org which will be the place where you can commit to a reoccurring donation or a one-time donation, all tax deductible as well. Please visit the site and you can use Paypal as a payment source, or you can also write checks made out to Hope Fulfilled (1001 Damascus Circle, Costa Mesa, CA 92626) for the tax write off. *(Please make sure that with website and checks you reference Kelly in the memo or note section so that it gets routed properly).
Again we appreciate any support that you feel moved to help with. Ideally, our goal is to get Kelly the care she needs and back in our own home again.
God bless you and we will be praying for you and your families! Please also pray that Kelly does not lose sight of complete healing in her body.
Grace and Peace to you!
Love Rod and Kelly
Mark 9:23